People come and go...
But some people are forever....
This is a letter to someone in particular that even though they came and went they had a big impact on me and "the Circle." Her name is Marlena Christine Campbell...
Marlena.... I've written letters to you before and you chose to ignore them. This time I'm not gonna write a letter... all I'm gonna say is... We've been thru it...all of us have and times weren't always easy, but we stuck it out... All of us did.... I thought you would have too. Just know that we still love you and not a day goes by that your not the topic of a house conversation...and the crazy part is that the convo's are never negative, they are always about how much we miss you, love you, and want you back and how perfect that would be. I heard you think one of us tried to bring you down and write negative things about you for the world to see... Never. None of us did that... we don't hate you so why would we? We still love you and if you ever wanted to re-unite with the "Circle" just know we are always here for you open arms... even after the virgin islands and Africa and threats you've made, we just know thats Marlena...cuz we actually really do know Marlena... Think about it...
Nice said, People change these days and even you dont want to they do! and some friendship never going to last. Everything happens for a reason....
i like for things to stay the same unless things get better then I'm up for that change. Some people are meant to be there and others are not its all apart of the "cycle of life" . Its a sad situation with you all having the family type friendship with Marlena and then how it is now...I say if its meant for her to be apart of y'all lives..GOD will send her back if not then its her lost on having you guys but I'm sure the love for her never dies. In society today its hard for friendships and even love because people find it hard to trust ,looking out for themselves, or money seems to rule. I agree money isn't everything i rather have love then money even tho money is needed. but what does it mean to have everything that money brings but nobody to share it with or having a real love. it won't mean anything at all. EVOL LOVE has no boundaries.
Wow. Who hasn't been through this yah know. It's tough. I can't count the times i've lost someone dear. Being one of Jehovahs witnesses, i lose people all the time. Friends that i've been through everything with, then they decide that they don't want to serve Jehovah anymore...and they leave. And it's hard because we may not feel like that was the best decision. We may even KNOW that its not, but it's that persons choice. And we have to respect and realize that people are gonna do what they want to do and they're gonna make choices they feel benefit them, even if that includes leaving the ones that love them behind. And i've realized that I can't be mad at them for doing what they feel is best for them. Because it is THEIR life. The desicions they make, or don't make, affect their ENTIRE life FOREVER. not ours. Yeah it affects us, but eventually they'll JUST BE that very happy memory. And sometimes...thats just how it should be. A wonderful memory.
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