Now, Gas Prices are up and the economy is down, but that hasn't stopped the design teams in the automotive world. I wanna take the time out (because I know alot of you are about to reach that driving age) to give you something to work towards getting because I know I will be workin' my @$ off this year to be able to get one of these SEXY cars of 2009 - 2010!
Check out the 2009 Audi A5/S5 : Starting Price 40,300$
Clean and beautiful Interior and it has every function in a car that I would want. The back seats fold for more storage space, and the front seats have heating. The rear view mirror has automatic dimming for the A-holes that drive behind you with their high beams on lol. Alot of the interior is highlighted with brushed aluminum inlays which I love in cars, I think it adds a very bossy touch to it!
One thing I also really love about the Audi's is the lighting on their cars. They come with adaptive headlights that pivot about 15 degree's as you turn while your driving. They also come with Halogen Beam headlamps. The only thing about this car is, I drive a Mazda Rx-8 which to me seemingly burn alot of gas, but this car burns about the same. This is my favorite so far though.
Jaguar 2009 XF : Starting price 49,975$
Like the A5/S5, it also come with Halogen headlamps, but to be about 10,000 dollars more than the Audi, it should have a better fuel consumption number because 18.4 on average is not good enough for me. As far as the car's design and all that good stuff...Its good, but I think on the performance they could have done better.
2010 Chevrolet Camaro : Starting Price : 22,000$
When I first saw this car in 'Transformers' the movie, I was automatically taken although my interest has faded a little bit I think that its still a heavy hitting car. My problem is, I usually tote around the whole 2 Much and this car is only a 2 seater. I like the interior, and the car is also priced right and get's about 26 mpg which is good especially for a muscle car, but I don't think this car makes the cut for me.
2009 Dodge Challenger : Starting Price : 21,995$
I'm not a huge fan of this car. I've seen it on the street a couple times and I feel like its a little bit too remeniscient of an old car. Although its priced right and gets really good gas mileage, once again, for a muscle car, I'm not in love with the interior. Its just okay to me.
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