Hahahahha! This is funny... So they've created a Mortal Kombat-esque online game for the presidential candidates. I played as Barack Obama and couldn't get passed Sarah Palin but it was pretty cool check it out!
Click here to play the game...I'm a lil' bugged out tonight, some friends of mine did me kinda grimey today and left me lookin' stupid and so I'm in my room writing this blog all alone, no music no nuthing..........I know I could talk to Lo, Myles, and C............. but I dunno I'm feeling like i kinda wanna hear from yall ...

I know Ima man and at that I'm technically a grown man, but it seems that because at this stage in the game people are still doing childish messed up things that I wouldn't do to them, that nothing has changed and I'm feeling somewhat removed ... and I don't wanna be alone here so I want some of you guyz to
leave me comments on this post with stories about some of your own peer experiences and complicated situations and I'll give you my opinions in return to some of those situations in a later post...
well to be honest i go threw this alot seeing that i roll with a group of 5 and i have to always deal with 5 different personalities. i been done grimey... shady.. shafty.. all types of crafty stuff that has left me in my room stuck on silence because of sumthing a close friend did and i needed others advice to turn to besides what i already known to do and that was to forgive but thats when your yung you feel..i can see that your grown and cant let everything slide anymore...but seeing that i dont really know what happend the most advise i can give is that ppl are gonna do childish stuff all the time and your gonna continue to notice it becuz your so much more mature then they might be so they might do sumthing you wouldnt do cuz you know damn well that aint the rite way to handle what ever it is... seeing that i have a very tight group of friends and im not that out there and i keep my circle kinda tight i still be needin that extra advise from other peers luckly you have a fan base to turn too... on the other hand [me] when my friends dont always pick me up when i fall nor do i have a other ear to hear me out like a boyfriend or anything its hard to not feel alone...
i think i wrote enuff i dont wanna bore you [lol]but i know how it feels feelin left alone
if you ever need a laugh or a pick me up check out my blogspot you might find sumthin really funny
Yea i kno what you are going thruuu.The situations i be going thruuu iz krazi people bein real real shady and it's not rite and i can't realli trust most of mi true friends cause they will go behind my back and say some stuff or do somestuff that i dont know about thats realli messed up to me they jus leave me in the dust and i feel hurt crushed and all alone and i can just go and talk to my mom and dad about but i can't or i don'tn cause some times they realli don't know wat i be going thruuuu. Some one the other day did somthin realli grimey to me and so when i had found out i just came home went in my room full of thoughts and silence just thinkin about what just happend.I could go to someone close 4 advice but i still thought to myself. i do need some advice on my situation what should i do?
HI marcel I know ecactly what u going threw an its gud to let it out and realise your not wierd or alone u know am in college in london and da games mi girls play its just wierd I just don't get them theyy mAKE up rumors bout me an say it was for aa laugh or do things together an forget 2 invite me i guess it helps 2 know am not alone but talking 2 sum1 like u do helps an u are da first person ave told dis toone dey thought it was funni to take mi bracelet and hide it now dey can't find it little did dey know dat bracelet ment the world to me it was the last thing mi dad gave to me before he passed away since den i've just a emty spot in me dat makes me fill disconnected to mi dad and my friends because i think come on guys we adults know stop acting childish doing stuff balmeing me shoting an cursing in da strreets i love mi gyals an all but seriously dey've done sumthing unforgivable marcel if u wanna hit bck with a reply it will soo make me feel better just as i hope dis reply helps you people do stupid childish stuff an because we're mature we don't joining in because its just stupid at dere age act your age this is a lot is'int it but yh am a friend on myspace and live video and a blog follower soo i just wanna make u feel happy an hopefully u can cheer me up 2 so if u wanna talk know ur're not alone marcel u got me bye xxxooxx
Yea marcel ima have to agree with that because I've been thru that before...I mean damn its crazy how peeps u can roll with turn out 2 juss be using u or just don't really like u anymore...and especially they be shady for no reason cause u seem 2 say...wth did I do to you type of thing yanno?...its tough but u get to see who your real friends are there for u in the long run...juss gott keep ya head up...don't blame yourself because of them...they are juss a waste of time cel...its gonna be iight...keep ya head up and a smile for yourself =)
Marcel here is my story...believe you arent alone. I only have like a handful of close friends thats all i really need. But none of them are the same they think diffrent, see things diffrent and react diffrent, but they all have one thing in common they are at least 2 yrs older than me but insist on putting there problems on me. Im good for advice they say...but heres the thing when im going thru something none really ever notices its like im all alone then. So in turn i start to write (poems, short stories) and im a beast at it when im hurt(lol) but when they run across it everyone is all shocked and overwhelmed...they want to know what happened and how they missed it. Which makes me upset because it was in there faces the whole time... i know i've change over the past couple of years and my whole setting in life has too but at times it seems that im the only one who actually matured, everyone is still doing the same childish mess and then wants me to come and help bell them out...thats added stress to my life that i dont need. cause the way i see it everyone is getting into situations that are avoidble. and when i tell the truth i end up getting hurt and left in the dark...
im tired of being the one who everyone throws their weight on...what do i do?
hey marcel, i really haven't been in those situations because i don't like to be in stuff like that. but recently my friend mijan & my friend marquice were best of friends, and acted like their were brother and sister. marquice is very conceited, and he be talkin bout all the girls he like and stuff. mijan is all in his business askin all different kinds of questions and tellin him he shudn't go wit some girls. mijan is very bossy and at lunch she told two of my friends they cudn't sit wit us cause one doesn't talk and the other sits wit us on occasions. she didnt ask the other ppl if they didnt want them to sit us anymore. she just told them they cudnt sit with us. now she told marquice & my friend carlous they cudnt sit with us cause they were arguing. i wasn't in it so i didn't want to say anything. the nxt day marquice asked me to sit with him, and i thought it wud be a good idea cuase mijan was wrong of tellin them they cudnt sit with us anymore without askin evryone else at OUR table. i sat with marquice. the nxt day i sat with her she asked me y did i sit with him. i told her she was wrong for tellin him he cudnt sit there. she lies and says she said she was just playin. she squashed it. i didnt relly talk that day cause i didnt have anything to say to her. i was on the other side in your sitation. i wud never to that to a true friend only if they deserve it
hi Marcel. =)
Well I can't really say I can relate to whatever you're going through because I don't know your situation. But I CAN relate to the childish thing. My once best/close friend did something really grimey to me, one day we were joking around laughing && smiling and then I said something. [ I don't even remember what I said the argument was so stupid. ] Well whatever it was she took is EXTREMELY personal and before I knew it she spread false rumors about me around the whole school. [ I go to a private school so word spreads fast ] She was being really childish towards me, calling me names and talking behind my back; plus the rumors she told everybody were really grimey. First the rumors were about me having sex with everybody, and giving oral sex to half our school...etc. the rumors were really out of control. Do we still talk? Sometimes. Do I trust her? Heck no. Well anyway. Lol.
The best advice I can give you is to know when to trust your friends and when not to trust your friends. They're not your real true friends if they're treating you shady.
it always seems like i'm being done grimey by my friends. the problem is i'm the only one that sees it. in each of my friendships, i somehow always end up being the one that values the friendship more than the other person. it's like i'm close to my friends, but they're still distant from me and it gives me a lonely feeling sometimes. Have you ever been so close to someone or thought you were close to someone, but you still seem far away from that person? i can't explain it. I want true friends that build me up and that are with me and that value me like i value them. that's what i'm asking God for now.
hmm. Thats the funny thing about life n friends. one minute you're up on top of the world, and the next you feel like crap in a toilet. It is one of the most confusing, frustrating things in the world. When you have as many friends as you do and they vary in their ages like they do, you're always gonna be thrown curve balls, because alot of the people you associate with are younger than you, you can't expect to...always fit in. Like my siblings, we all range from 19-9. And we all have the same friends (except for my lil brother whose 9) and our friends are all different ages from us, so we have disagreements and misunderstandings and we do each other shady allllll the time.
Like, especially with me and my bestfriend, he's a guy and girls and guys just will never CLICK 100% as friends because females are emotional, we see things from the emotional standpoint while most guys are like, "Yea...whatever". So me and my friend end up doing each other shady because we have our moments when we just dont understand each other. Most comes from lack of communication. Assumptions, and misconceptions. But you just have to realize Marcel, that at the end of the day, they still love you and you still love them. You're not gonna always fit it, even with your friends, you're gonna have your outcast moments. And who knows. Maybe they don't know that they made you feel that way. Yah know? Maybe they thought one thing and you thought another. It happens, with different personalities there comes different reactions and different actions.
But too Marcel, you have to remember who your friends are. Remember who you associate with and who they are as people
one quick example for you, to show you what i'm talking about:
When I was in the 6th grade, I was a "funny woman" as i call it or in other words, i was a little comedian/class clown. I was one of the popular kids who talked about everyone and i had my little crew. And they laughed while i tormented other kids verbally. But one day, I talked about this girl sooo bad that she started crying. She moved her chair into the corner of the classroom and cried as we threw crayons and pencils at her. And laughed and talked trash. About 3 minutes after i was done talking about her, my friends, the ones who i thought had my back, started talkin about me because of something i said. And i couldn't say anything because how do you seriously bag on a friend? So in turn, I got a glimpse of how she felt. And ever since then, i never bullied another kidd. Because i didnt like how it felt, to feel alone, to feel...out of the crowd. So i removed myself from the crowd. And ever since then. I have remained the girl who knows everyone, and who everyone knows, but who chooses to be simple, and to hang with non popular kids. To hang with the quirky ones, because i know that in the popular crowd, you're gonna get done shady all the time.
i say that to say this Marcel. If your friends do it to other people, they're gonna do it to you. If you have friends who are shady to other people, they're gonna be shady to you. Thats just the way it goes. There is no exception because thats who they are. Now im not saying you have bad friends. But think, how do your friends treat other people? Now i dont know your whole story so i may be FAAARRRR off into the neverlands with this advice. But...just think about it. And if you find that they have a tendency to be "funny people" as i call them, or people who are shady to other people, then there you have it. What do u expect to happen? its like you expecting a theif to never steal from u because you're his friend. That would be obserd.
So i'm just saying, i find that most situations like that are simply a result of the association that we have. Or like i said before...misunderstandings.
If you don't like how you're feeling, i say choose a new set of peeps. If you're too emotionally attached to do so, then...it is what it is kiddo. Thats the reality.
or if it is a misunderstanding, then communicate with them so that it doesnt happen again
i agree with tina
I’m not going to say I know what you are going through, because when I’m in a situation I hate when people say that to me. It’s like you have never had a walk in my shoes so how would you know the ground I am stepping on.
But what I can say is that I have been through some rough situations with my friends. To tell you the truth I only have about 6 close friends. It takes me a while to completely trust someone.
So I was pretty stupid when I was younger. I’m not going to lie I’ve had my fair share of screw-ups. This one night, a whole bunch of my friends were at my house. We were really bored and started playing a harmless game of beer pong. Then it went from beer pong to Vodka pong to whatever liquor you can find pong. By the end of the night everyone was buzzed. So the next day I’m at school and my friend Ashley comes up to me and said, what did you do when you found out? I was like found out what? Then she told me my boyfriend and my best friend were fooling around in my bedroom. To me there was no excuse for it. Alcohol does make things different but you still have your judgment when you are doing things .I was really pissed and the thing was the two people that I usually talk to when I’m down, where the ones who put me there. I felt all-alone. I broke it off with josh and forgave them both, but I’m still not as close I was before all this drama.
I’ve learned from it and moved on. I’m not going to sulk over something in the past. That’s all I can tell you, move on and don’t let anything hold you back. I hope this was somewhat helpful to you.
Okay well I'm attending Mount Zion high school in GA and there is this boy in my math class name Rick since day 1 I've been nice to him i never disrespected him in any kind of way me and him was cool until i couple of week ago i was in PE and there is this boy name DJ and he likes me so through out the whole PE class me and him was just talking. he been trying to go wit me since day 1and i never gave him the time of day because i know what type of person he is he always flirting with other females when he has a girlfriend. so while me and DJ talking Rick send Justin over by me and DJ to see what we was talking about. after he did what he had to do he left and we had to go back and get dressed to leave so when i finished getting dressed me and my friend Justina was standing by the soda machine waiting for the bell to ring so we could go to ballet class so DJ came and gave me a hug and we kissed I mean i didn't wanna kiss him it was just the heat of the moment. So the next day me Just Rick and my "sister" Jamika are sitting in math class doing our work and Rick said" I saw what you and DJ did yesterday and on top of that you have a boyfriend, and he was saying all types of mean and hurtful things to me basically calling me a hoe on the slide so he just keep going on and on about how how wrong i was and and all up in my business so i asked him if he was jealous but in a playful manner then he got mad at me i mean i should be the mad 1. Okay so a couple of days go by and we are in math class again and i went to go sharpen my pencil and i was walking back to my seat and Rick stops me and says Imani if you lost like a little bit of weight you would be so much cuter im mean i already don't like the way i look and i have very low self esteem and people tell me all the time that im not fat and that im just thick but to me im fat so for him to say something like that to me made me cry especially if he knew that i was already mad at him. Rick best friend Justin was telling him to chill out with that thats why me and justin are like best friends so i move away from rick and go sit at the table in the front of the eclass and it was time to go so i had to move back to my desk so i put my head down and rick said to me imani im sorry you know i love you do u want me ti to stop talkin to you or leave you alone for ever so i told him to leave me alone for ever.
See i know what your going through marcel no matter what people say they can't bring you down do what you do and keep your head up
peer pressure , experiences and complicated situations is just another cycle in the "cycle of life" and it increases as we get older. We have to learn how to put people in categories : "true and real friends" , "bogus ones" and then "the associates". now a days people tend to look out for themselves and what they want then even trying to listen and learn about what their peers want.
true and real friends come one in a million those the type that will hold you down no matter what...im talking like you can be on a railroad track and a train coming that person push u out the way you know what i mean?..just a real down person. bogus ones smile in your face but quick to say some dirty stuff bout you to others. Associates one just ones who come and go....
I been in situations where friends turned on me , used me , talked about me , stole money and clothes , didn't wanna be associated with me much because of his/her friend not liking me and i didn't even do anything to that person. its just crazy stuff and how f'd up some people are now a days.
But i learned to 4give people so that I can move on but i also learn ed how to 4get about people who are not gonna hold me down like i would hold them down. Im tryna get all my blessings and live right....If i have to roll by myself then thats what im have to do.
Trust and love yourself because nobody knows you more then you do and nobody can hurt you worser then you can to yourself.
MARS you keep doing what you and do it even better. GOD has blessed you with a talent and i know your more focused then ever before. With hard-work ,determination , prayer , people holding you down 100% like your family... brothers , me 2 and etc...you will get far and even more blessed.
I know i don't get to you see you guys a lot but until i get there you can come to me if you want to..even if i might not know what to say ill always listen.
Love ya Mars.
even youu cant trust some of your close friends .
you got us.
i totally understand where you're coming from...for me it seems like no one ever takes me serious and always shooting me down. I like to joke and i'm a comedian but you know I have a really serious side and it seems i have to fake who i am to please everybody else to a point that i sick and tired of acting like someone else. When someone says womething that hurts me i just laugh it off like oh it's okay and make fun of the situation. I'm actually a real deep perso and i had to show who i really was and I finally got to a point where i was like ayo i got emotions to you know...but you have to confront the situation that's all i got to say.
- Cynthia
P.S. I love your blogs they show how deeply and complex you are... Keep your head up!!!
I know what you're talking about all too well. Now that I think about how many bad experiences I've had with people, it's too many. For me it was hard because most of those bad experiences were within the same time frame and one after another. Sometimes I sit and think "Is it me? What did I do?", but I've realized I can't be gullible, I can't be nice to everyone, and I can't give people the benefit of the doubt all the time.
To put it simply, maybe two almost three years ago. I was friends with a person who honestly, had some personal issues. I personally believe everyone needs at least one good friend and I was trying to be her one good friend. I would always do, and do, and do for her. The one time I needed her to do for me, she left me out to dry. It's messed up because all I tried to do was be someone she could talk to and confide in. That's what a friend should be. Yet, all she did was use and take advantage of me.
I had to learn the hard way not everyone cares about me. I had to learn people who treat me that way don't deserve my friendship. Your definitely not alone though.
I completely understand what your saying. People I thought that cared did come grimey, off the wall fxcked up stuff to me. I because of it I don't trust to many people now. Well here's on example of how one of my so called friends and my BLOOD brother screwed me over.
My ex-bestfriend Najah knew I was having problems with this girl and some other females she hangs with. This girl Yadira always had something to say to me or about me. I didn't pay her any mind , but I didn't he to think I was the scary type either. Let me get to the point. I was at work in the little shop I work at in the mall, getting ready to close up. I see Yadira, and all the girls she hags with. Words were exchanged, and a fight brokeout. It was me against 4 other girl. I held my ground and tried to fight them off. But It was too many of them. Security eventally cam and broke it up. The next day in school I was in my Audio Viusal class, I see a tape of me getting jumped by Yadira, but my best friend Naja was fighting along side with Yadira, My own blood bother (same mom and dad) taped the whole fight, he was laughing at the fact the I got jumped and my supposed to be friend help another girl jump me.
So when I tell I understand I really do. I haven't talked to my brother in 6 months, just wondering what should I do?
well.. im new 2 this skool rite and u no how theres always drama in high skool(i cant wait till gradnite) but these girls in my class started a rumor about me im not gonna go into details but bottom line is that there were tlkin about me but they never tld me a wrd 2 my fce c the problem is im not sure if its im not sure if its them cuz u cant jus go by wat others hear well im not sure if i shuld confront them cuz if i do its gonna get ugly or jus let it slide cuz i no they jus falswaggin im known 2 b the good grl but i cant stnd wen ppl who dont no u stay wit ya name in dere mouths
i really dont want to be redundant but because in life whether at a teenage level or on a grown man's level we deal with this. It sucks lol but nothing can be done. Thats why like you said, its good to have a circle. Personally i dont even have a circle..its more like a dot or two lol. Because unfortunately ive dealt with the issue of having to learn the hard way of having friends and having so called friends hurt me and stab me in the back. It hurts and there's a healing process we deal with where we are put in silence and take the time to really retake things in life and go through so many experiences in different perspectives and gradually we learn. We will still face such issues but its only for the fact that we are humane and in life one must deal with inhumane things. god made obstacles we just have to overcome. And thats the beautiful part about it. I can go on with a story or three (but its the same as anybody on here) what can we do? lol and im sure this is late but maybe after your lil thinking session, you shud go hang out with your "circle" because they are truly what you need in life. And im guessing u alreadii know that =](but really dont mind me im just rambling....really!) lol
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."
-- Baltasar Gracian
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe unto him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."
-- The Bible: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Nice quotes to live by no? =]
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