SO glad September is over... Something about that month gets to me... its definately those mid-month Virgo's. SO! Welcome to the first October of (MARS)Land. I think I wanna take sometime out to show you guyz a couple new things that you otherwise wouldn't think about because not many of you probably have tattoo's...but I do so I'm gonna show you guys what I think I'm about to do to deck out my "Mars" tattoo even more! here's a couple examples! Imagine my chest tattoo, which is Mars and Space decked out with this new UV ink. These tattoo's actually glow under black light and with my space tattoo I think it would go perfect. the stars could glow and the planet a lil' bit! Its perfect haha!
Now for all you October heads, I wanna show you guys a couple hott halloween spots. This is one of my favorite month's of the year. I can say not that much bad happens to me ever in October! but yea so If some of you all will be visiting California or live here and what not... there's a couple spots you gotta hit up. Preview nights too because the tickets are always cheaper on preview nights and don't get it twisted... preview nights are just as scary. Every year around halloween time since I moved to Cali-For-Ni-a, We take a visit to an old Haunted ship on the ports of Long Beach called the "Queen Mary." I don't know if you guys ever saw the 2002 movie "Ghost Ship" but I believe this movie was actually shot on the Haunted ship that I'm speaking about... The Queen Mary...
Anywho, at the Queen Mary every year around Halloween it turns into a super "Shipwreck" night spot. They
For more info on "Shipwreck" Queen Mary" visit
thats really innovative. your right i have never heard of black lighting tattoos. BUt the idea of add a background to the Mars tattoo is very creative and will defintely stand out. Like i said i love how u truly embrace the name given to you =]
dont 4get about holloween horror nights at universal studios you gotta check that 1 out its bananas and hella scary
I think that would be pretty cool. I'm petrified of tattoos to be honest but if I wasn't, I would totally get one of the glow in the dark ones. I say go for it.
i think the UV ink is a cool creatvie idea, it looks kind of cool but how many times will you actually come across a black light on your chest, unless you have one at home or something but its a cool idea nonetheless.
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