Wednesday, October 1, 2008

U-N-I & Common Market

So me and Chris are handling some business today and we are up at the Apple store at Century City in West Los Angeles, California. Meet my friend Ben. I was on the computer with Chris and all of a sudden some music started playing that caught my ear. Ben was playing it and when I asked him the names of the songs he explained to me that the songs I was hearing were from a local Los Angeles group called U-N-I and it was called "Beautiful Day." Meet U-N-I...

This song I thought went kinda hard... For more info on U-N-I visit

Ben also showed me another duo that I thought were pretty dope called Common Market

Check them and their music out at


Bridgiiitte said...

kool. i like that U-N-I song. like hearing about new music.

Anonymous said...

actually i've heard of them, when i was music shopping on the internet. and i fell in love with their music especially Soul Hop and Castlevania. A Beautiful Day is an all time fav. For me their music is intense. a new relief for a change ya kno?

Anonymous said...

and you should listen to Fee. SHe is super talented =]